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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 7 - February 18, 2021

(Published in the Kansas Register February 18, 2021.)

Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency

Request for Qualifications

The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency (FHATA) is seeking a well-qualified architecture and engineering firm (A&E Professional) to provide architecture, engineering, and design related services (Services), as further described in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Attachments. FHATA is seeking a firm with experience in transit storage and maintenance facilities, multi-modal planning, bus transit infrastructure, architecture, engineering, and pre-construction. Firms submitting a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) must demonstrate comparable project-type experience. The contract(s) that may be awarded following this RFQ process will be based upon, without limitation, FHATA’s professional service procurements and related applicable laws. A&E Professional’s responsibilities will be determined on a per project scope basis. Construction budgets are not currently identified.

Any individual(s) or firm(s) proposing to perform architectures, engineering services, environmental services, pre-construction, and construction services must be appropriately licensed/registered in the State of Kansas at the time of submission of the RFQ.

Complete details of the RFQ, as well as any future addendums are posted at Bids must be received in the FHATA office at 5815 Marlatt Ave., Manhattan, KS 66503 by 1:00 p.m. (CST) March 9, 2021.

Pre-Submittal Conference and Inquiries

Proposers may submit questions or inquires for clarification due by February 24, 2021 and must be submitted in writing to Melanie Tuttle, Finance Director, at, and will anticipate having an answer by close of business March 1, 2021. If required, FHATA’s response to these submissions will be in the form of an addendum.

A pre-submittal conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. (CST) February 24, 2021, as a virtual meeting via Zoom. Details on how to join the Zoom meeting are in Section C of this RFQ. It is not required to attend the conference; however, it is strongly suggested. FHATA staff will discuss the scope of work, general contract issues, and respond to questions and inquiries from attendees and those received in writing prior to the meeting. FHATA staff will not be available to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project outside of the pre-submittal conference, it is strongly recommended that interested firms attend the pre-submittal conference.

FHATA will be unable to entertain conversation outside of the process outlined in this document nor will be able to entertain onsite visits. Neither offerors, nor members of their teams, shall communicate concerning this project with selection committee members, employees of FHATA, except as stipulated above. Failure to abide by this requirement may result in rejection of the offeror’s SOQ.

Sealed SOQs Closing and Submission

Sealed SOQs must be received with all required submittals as stated in the RFQ, no later than 1:00 p.m. (CST) March 9, 2021. Qualifications received after the time specified shall not be considered for award. Qualifications received via facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (email) shall not be considered. Qualifications not meeting specified delivery and method of submittal will not be opened nor considered responsive.

SOQs submitted must be addressed and delivered to FHATA at the following address. This is also the address to be used for all communication in connection with this RFQ:

Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency
Procurement Department
5815 Marlatt Ave.
Manhattan, KS 66503

Submission of a SOQ shall constitute a firm offer to FHATA for ninety (90) days from the date of the RFQ closing.

Melanie Tuttle
Finance Director

Doc. No. 048863